Insect resin kit
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Best resin for preserving insects...
How to Preserve Insects in Resin
This article was co-authored by Samuel Ramsey, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Dr. Samuel Ramsey is an Entomologist and a researcher with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Dr. Ramsey has extensive knowledge of symbiosis and specializes in insect disease spread, parasite behavior, mutualism development, biological control, invasive species ecology, pollinator health, and insect pest control.
How to preserve a scorpion in a jar
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Entomology from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Maryland. Dr. Ramsey’s research on bees has enabled researchers to develop targeted control techniques to restore honey bee populations worldwide.
He also hosts a YouTube series called “Dr. Buggs.” This article has been viewed 69,157 times.
Co-authors: 8
Updated: December 5, 2024
Views: 69,157
Categories: Featured Articles | Animal and Insect Safety
- preserving a scorpion
- resin scorpion