When should i go to the hospital for high blood pressure during pregnancy
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Chances of normal delivery with high blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
High blood pressure conditions and pregnancy
Health care professionals can make the following diagnoses for pregnancy-related high blood pressure.
Your doctor or nurse should look for these conditions before, during, and after pregnancy:
- High blood pressure during pregnancy occurs when a pregnant woman has a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher in two readings that are 4 or more hours apart.
- Severe high blood pressure during pregnancy occurs when a pregnant woman has a blood pressure reading of 160/110 mm Hg on two or more occasions.
- Chronic hypertension during pregnancy is when a pregnant woman has pre-existing high blood pressure and is diagnosed in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy or if the high blood pressure lasts 12 weeks after the woman has given birth.
- Gestational hypertension is when a pregnant woman who previously had normal blood pressure has high blood pressure during pregnancy.
- Preeclampsia occurs when a woman who previously had normal blood pressure suddenly develops high blood pressure and protein is
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