En dash

    purpose of dashes in writing
    use of dashes in writing
    purpose of hyphens in writing
    meaning of dashes in writing
  • Purpose of dashes in writing
  • How to use slash in a sentence

    10 uses of dash with examples!

    How to Use a Dash Correctly: En Dash vs. Em Dash

    • Dashes are horizontal lines that connect words or ideas within a text. They can show a connection between two things or replace more commonly used punctuation.
    • Dashes emphasize information, show breaks or changes in thought, and connect related ideas in a sentence.

      Writers often use dashes instead of commas, periods, or parentheses.

    • There are three kinds of dashes: en dash, em dash, and double hyphen.

      Em dash examples

    • Em dash examples
    • 5 examples of dash
    • 10 uses of dash with examples
    • How to use em dash
    • Em dash
    • The en dash and em dash appear frequently. While the double hyphen is found within some texts, its use is not as common as that of the en and em dash.

    • En dashes (–) and em dashes (—) each have different functions. The en dash is shorter and is frequently used to show numerical ranges or connections between words in compound adjectives when one of the elements comprises multiple words.

      The em dash is longer and generally used to note a break, provide drama, or give an example.

    • Writers use the en dash like this: “To pass the class, Sally needs to score between 80%–90% on the exam.” In contrast, writers use the em dash like this: “

        purpose of dashes in a sentence
        proper use of dashes in writing

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