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    Percents (%)

    When we say "Percent" we are really saying "per 100"

    One percent (1%) means 1 per 100.

    1% of this line is shaded green: it is very small isn't it?


    50% means 50 per 100
    (50% of this box is green)

    25% means 25 per 100
    (25% of this box is green)

    Try it Yourself:




    100% means all


    100% of 80 is 100100 × 80 = 80


    50% means half


    50% of 80 is 50100 × 80 = 40


    5% means 5100ths


    5% of 80 is 5100 × 80 = 4

    Using Percent


    Use the slider and try some different numbers
    (What is 40% of 80?

    What is 10% of 200? What is 90% of 10?)

    Because "Percent" means "per 100" think:

    "this should be divided by 100"

    So 75% really means 75100

    And 100% is 100100, or exactly 1
    (100% of any number is just the number, unchanged)

    And 200% is 200100, or exactly 2
    (200% of any number is twice the number)


    A Perc

      how to do percentages in maths for beginners
      how to do percentages in math for kids

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