Leading prayer examples
- leading prayer in church
- leading prayer in church examples
- leading prayer in church service
- leading morning prayer in church
How to lead intercessory prayer in church pdf.
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For Leaders
This section offers some thoughts for those who lead prayers or intercessions in church :
1. There is an important difference between private prayer, and leading corporate intercesson. Whilst you are leading the intercessions, you are leading God's people in prayer, rather than praying on their behalf.
Thus the way that you pray will be different from your own private prayer. How to lead intercessory prayer in churchIn this way, the corporate act of intercession is the sum of the individual thoughts and prayers, combined with the words and prayers spoken from the front. |
2. For this corporate prayer happen effectively, the congregation will be praying along the lines that you lay before them, and extending them as individual hearts and minds engage with the topics for prayer. It is important that they hear what you are praying, so those leading intercessions need to be audible, and t