Singular they examples in literature

    how to use they in a sentence
    how to use they in a sentence examples
    how to use their in a sentence
    how to use there in a sentence
  • How to use they in a sentence
  • They singular form

    They sentences for class 1...

    Examples of 'they' in a sentence

    Examples from the Collins Corpus

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    They used to feed on the fish being cleaned by local fishermen.
    They are used to scare off rather than kill the unwanted birds.

    They is'' or they are

    These people keep forgetting they are servants of the people.
    They also could use the knowledge they have about firms and their competitors.
    Lots of people have said they will join us.
    Settled partners talk like they used to and realise how much they mean to each other.

    There their they're examples

  • There their they're examples
  • They singular example
  • They sentences for class 1
  • They singular form
  • They're in a sentence
  • He was following the letter of the law and did not have the big screens to refer to because they were not working.
    In some South American cultures they refer to the past being in front of them and the future being behind.

    He claimed that they were being used to raise more money for the charity.
    When they were referred to it they appeared bad parents

      how to use their in a sentence examples
      how to use he in a sentence

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