Whenever in french

    whenever in french
    when in french translation
    when in french book
    when in french language
  • Whenever in french
  • COMPOSÉS DE EVER (whatever, whoever, whenever, whichever, etc.).

    Wherever in french!

    Translation of whenever – English-French dictionary

    Whenever one of these parties appeal to a tribunal that shares its genre of nationalist/ humanist discourse, the other side has already lost.

    From the Cambridge English Corpus

    Whenever the resampling process is conducted, the entire robot paths and feature estimates of rejected particles are lost forever.

    From the Cambridge English Corpus

    Whenever a wife failed to manage the household's finances effectively, severe hardship would be occasioned for all members of the household.

    From the Cambridge English Corpus

    Whenever we are interested in finding solutions to 2 problems, we consider complexity classes for search problems (also called function problems).

    Whenever in spanish

  • Whenever in spanish
  • Anytime in french
  • Wherever in french
  • Whoever in french
  • Translation of "You can call me whenever" in French You can call me whenever you want.
  • From the Cambridge English Corpus

    Deletion is a thus a back-up strategy to gliding under this analysis : liquids delete whenever gliding would otherwise be blocked.

    From the Cambridge English Corpus

    Moreover, the transformation seen above can be applied whenever an even number of atoms are used to form a bridge.

    From the Cambridge English Co

      when in french pronunciation
      when in french to english

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