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    Bloody Stool: What It Means and When to See a Doctor

    Experiencing bloody stool may be alarming, but it isn't entirely uncommon. Whether the problem originates in the stomach, the intestine, or the colon, it can always be traced back to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

    Best medicine for blood in stool

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  • Pictures of blood in stool
  • While the blood in stool can indicate a serious problem, we can rest easier knowing it's often associated with more manageable conditions. Read on to learn more about what it means and when to see a doctor.

    What Does Rectal Bleeding Look Like?

    Rectal bleeding can be identified by traces of bright red to dark maroon blood on the toilet paper or in your stool following a bowel movement.

    What Causes Blood in Stool?

    There are lots of things bloody stool can be attributed to.

    Below, we'll look at different factors that can bring it on, from common conditions to digestive and kidney diseases.

    1. Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels or veins in the rectum or anus. They are often accompanied by painless rectal bleeding.

    While the condition may cause some discomfort, it is rarely serious.

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