Water walking vs land walking

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    Calories Burned Water Walking Calculator

    Water walking is a low-impact, therapeutic exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and aid in weight loss.

    The calories burned while water walking depend on the individual's weight, the intensity of the exercise, and the duration.

    Historical Background

    The concept of using water resistance for exercise has been around for centuries, but it has gained popularity in recent decades as a preferred method for rehabilitation, fitness, and weight loss programs.

    Water walking takes advantage of the water's resistance to provide a cardiovascular workout while minimizing strain on the joints.

    Calculation Formula

    The formula to calculate the calories burned during water walking is:

    \[ \text{Calories burned per minute} = \left(\text{MET} \times \text{body weight in Kg} \times 3.5\right) \div 200 \]

    where "MET" (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) represents the energy expenditure of the activity.

    Example Calculation

    For a person weighing 180 pounds (approximately 81.65 kg) and water walking at a moderate pace (MET

      calories burned walking through water
      do you burn calories walking in water

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