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    Top Sagada Tourist Spots

    Nestled in the Mountain Province of the Philippines, Sagada is a famous destination in the Cordillera mountains. The Sagada tourist spots are breathtaking destinations that are known for their unique cultural heritage, beautiful caves, and serene atmosphere.

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  • Here are the top 20 tourist attractions and activities to explore in Sagada.

    1. Hanging Coffins of Echo Valley

    Witness the centuries-old burial tradition of the Igorot people at the Hanging Coffins of Echo Valley.

    Marvel at the wooden coffins suspended from the cliffs, a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage.

    2. Sumaguing Cave

    Embark on an exhilarating spelunking adventure at Sumaguing Cave, one of Sagada's most popular attractions.

    Sagada tourist spot images

    Navigate through the cave's stunning rock formations, chambers, and underground pools.

    3. Bomod-ok Falls

    Trek to the stunning Bomod-ok Falls, also known as the Big Falls, and take a refreshing dip in the cool waters.

    The falls are surrounded by lush greenery and terraced fields, creating a picturesque scene.

    4. Lumiang (or Lomiyang) B

      what to do in sagada
      what to see in sagada

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