Localhost xampp
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- how to open phpmyadmin in xampp
Localhost/phpmyadmin create database...
Localhost:8080 phpmyadminSetup a development environment with free and open source web server solution stack (XAMPP) and Database management software (phpMyAdmin)#
XAMPP and phpMyAdmin as localhost provides a local server for developers to test and build web apps.
XAMPP is a local server that is installed on personal computers/laptops. It provides a local environment to create, run, and test PHP applications before deploying them on live servers.
We will cover following sections in this blog post:
XAMPP is free and open source web server solution stack.
It contains Apache, MySQL, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
Xampp phpmyadmin access denied
XAMPP is available for Windows operating systems. It is extremely easy to install and use. That’s why it’s the most popular PHP development environment. XAMPP and phpMyAdmin as localhost provides a complete environment for web app development and testing.
Alphabets in XAMPP stand for:
- X — cross-platform (supports multiple operating systems including Linux, Windows and Mac OS)
- A — Apache HTTP Server
- M — MariaDB (Database)
- P — PHP
- P — PERL
XAMPP Installation#
- Download
- how to open localhost phpmyadmin in ubuntu
- how to open phpmyadmin on localhost