How to whiten teeth naturally at home

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    4 Natural Teeth Whitening Methods: Are They Safe?

    Tooth discoloration is a common issue that millions of people attempt to address each year. Research shows that as many as 80% of adults ages 18-49 want whiter teeth.

    However, not everyone can afford expensive, in-office treatments.

    People sometimes look for natural methods to address tooth discoloration, but not every natural technique is safe or effective for teeth whitening.

    How to make teeth whiter in 3 minutes

    1. Oil Pulling

    Oil pulling, an ancient remedy used to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body, is one possible solution for naturally whitening teeth.

    Whitening teeth with oil pulling involves swishing an oil, like coconut oil, in your mouth to try to remove bacteria.

    Bacteria left in your mouth can turn into plaque, which causes a yellow tint on your teeth.

    Several studies have found that oil pulling reduces bacteria, plaque buildup, and gingivitis, all of which can cause teeth to yellow.

    One study found that swishing daily with coconut oil significantly reduced the bacteria Streptococcus mutans after two weeks. The r

      how to whiten teeth at home in one day naturally
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