Clichés to avoid in songwriting
- how to avoid cliches in writing
- how to avoid cliches in romance writing
- how do you avoid cliches in writing
- how to avoid cliches in poetry
Cliché alternatives!
Clichés are words or phrases that have been overused in writing or speech, and have therefore become largely meaningless. They include examples such as the classic ‘leave no stone unturned’ and the more modern ‘it is what it is’.
In many ways, much ‘jargon’, especially management jargon, has now become a cliché as well, because it has little meaning, and is often used solely to fill space or make the user sound important.
This page discusses the effect of including clichés in your speech or writing, and why it is better to avoid them.
Main character cliches
It suggests some example clichés, though there are many others, and provides some suggestions for alternative phrases.
The Effect of Clichés
Research shows that people are so used to seeing and hearing clichés that they literally overlook them in writing or speech.
As far as the reader is concerned, a cliché might as well not be there.
The eye (and brain) simply skips over the words. In other words, these phrases are not just meaningless, they are actively ignored. Their use can also make a writer look lazy