How to explain a graph in a presentation
- how to describe graphs in english
- how to describe graphics in english
- how to describe charts in english
- how to explain graphs in english
Chart description vocabulary!
Graph description example
Mastering Graphs and Statistics Vocabulary in English
Graphs and statistics form an integral part of various fields including business, science, finance, and even daily life. Being equipped with the appropriate English vocabulary to describe and interpret graphs, charts, and statistics allows learners to effectively communicate complex data and information.
This not only enhances their academic and professional prospects but also strengthens their overall language competence. Moreover, it is essential practice for students attempting to pass English language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC.
30th June 2024
1 Brainstorming graphs and trends
This brainstorming exercise is useful for engaging students with the topic: describing trends and graphs.
It provides a simple framework for categorizing different types of changes (going up, going down, fluctuating, staying steady, and peaking) along with relatable, everyday examples.
Brainstorming graphs and trends
2 Numbers and statistics for work
This is a listening/speaking lesson to help English as a Second Language students
- how to describe bar graph in english
- how to describe a graph in english example