Games to play in the car for couples
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Games to play in the car app!
Road trip games are games you play while in the car with others.
Games to play in the car adults
Road trip games can turn a boring drive into a fun experience that can make you laugh out loud and bring you closer together. The best way to pass the time and ensure a vacation is full of happy memories is to plan out some road trip games ahead of time.
1.Categories. One person picks a category (ex: Britney Spear’s songs, NFL teams, flavors of La Croix) and everyone takes turns naming something in that category until someone (the loser) is stumped.
2.Alphabet. Take turns going through the alphabet.
Each player must find the next letter either on something in the car (like the stereo screen) or license plates, or road signs.
3.Guess the song. Turn the radio on or put your Spotify/CD player on shuffle.
Whoever can shout out the name of the song first, wins. (Be sure to cover you your radio screen if it says the song names as they play).
4.Truth or Car-Contained Dare. A game of truth or dare where all the dares must be something that can be accomplished (safely) in the car.
5.Deep Qu
- games to play while traveling
- car games to play while on a road trip